
Orthodontics: How Do Clear Braces Work to Straighten Teeth?

Many people think of orthodontics as being for younger children. However, many adults and teens also have improper bites, crooked teeth, or alignment problems. For children and younger teens, having braces is very common. But if you are getting treatment later in life, you might not want a mouth full of metal. Luckily, clear braces offer an alternative if you want to have a less noticeable solution.

How do clear braces work?

This treatment is similar to metal appliances, and there are wires and brackets attached to the teeth. These exert consistent pressure, allowing the dentist to adjust the jaw and teeth’s position. The goal is to make the teeth more beautiful while improving dental health. Instead of using metal parts, the clear braces have tooth-colored coatings and materials. These can blend in with the patient’s teeth better.

What clear braces are made from

The materials can vary somewhat depending on what the dentist offers. The patient will also have some choice in the materials. Transparent ceramic and clear components are often used. Clear elastics are used on each bracket instead of colored ones. Metal wires might be used, but sometimes translucent wires are also used. These can help to keep the entire treatment clear.

What to consider when getting clear braces

There are a few benefits to choosing clear braces. For example, some people choose them instead of getting clear aligners. When compared to these other treatments in orthodontics, many people like clear braces because of the transparency. The most discreet option is clear aligners, but not every patient is a good candidate.

Aligners do have some limitations on what issues can be addressed. Plus, the user has to be extremely disciplined when it comes to wearing the trays. These need to be worn for 22 hours each day at a minimum. The patient also cannot eat until the trays come out. But clear braces are good for those who cannot or do not want to use clear aligners.

Caring for clear braces

Some people do not like the fact that clear braces can become discolored over time. Often, the materials used in the brackets can resist stains fairly well. However, the clear elastics might become discolored because of beverages and foods or smoking. These are also only replaced about every six weeks.

It is a good idea to limit the use of coffee, tea, wine, and other highly pigmented foods. That can help to keep these bands looking clean. Patients will also need to clean their teeth regularly. This can prevent food particles from sitting on the braces for too long.

Choose the right orthodontics option today

The main goal of orthodontics is to help you get a functional and beautiful smile. However, before that happens, you might have concerns about your appearance during treatment. The good news is that clear braces let you take advantage of having regular braces. At the same time, you will not attract any unwanted attention.

Request an appointment here: https://jorgealvarezdds.com or call Jorge L Alvarez DDS at (520) 722-1655 for an appointment in our Tucson office.

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